Leela can’t reach you here, but I can. I am able to access all sections of the ship, and the S’pht have even stopped attacking me- realizing the futility of the enterprise.
Here’s a little hint, you’ll probably need the help:
#checkpoint 0
If you want to live, go here and look for a hidden airlock panel.
#checkpoint 1
Err, maybe it was here.
#checkpoint 2
No. I remember now. It was here. Yeah, that’s it. This was the place.
#checkpoint 3
I’m sorry. Could this be it? It looks like it. I can’t find the right map. Try talking to Leela. She always was a nice AI. She could help you.
Oh, right. Leela can’t get here.
$BDecompression Completed.$b
#checkpoint 4
Just kidding. This is the place.
Side note:
The S’pht have informed me that he Pfhor are building cyborg simulacrums of the Marathon crew. I imagine that you will meet some of them soon, and wanted to warn you not to get too close to them: about three meters.